Special Services

Through early intervention and individual support, our Learning Resource Program helps students who are struggling with their academic workload or the demands of math and reading. The resource team, which includes Jordan's special education & math/reading resource teacher, Title I reading recovery teacher, and speech pathologist, focus on providing students the specific help they need to succeed in the classroom.

Math/Reading Resource
Jordan Catholic provides for common special needs that include challenges with learning, communication challenges, physical disabilities, and developmental disorders. Students with these kinds of special needs benefit from additional educational services such as different approaches to teaching, use of technology, and assistance from a resource teacher. The Jordan personnel write service plans that may include adjusted teaching procedures and practices, specialized materials, and other interventions designed to help learners with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school. The plans include the progress and needs of the student. This is communicated to the parents and staff regularly and is updated to provide additional methods of instruction and materials. Please contact Mrs. Sandy Carlsten at scarlsten@jordanschool.com or Mrs. Heidi Ridenour at hridenour@jordanschool.com for more information.

Speech & Language
Jordan Catholic School has a part-time speech and language pathologist (SLP) who is a professional educated in the study of human communication, its development, and its disorders. A speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds, whereas a language disorder refers to a difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas. Upon referral, the SLP assesses the speech, language, cognitive-communication, and oral skills of the child to identify types of communication problems (articulation; fluency; voice; receptive and expressive language disorders) and the best way to treat them. Parents and teachers should refer students who show signs of speech-language disorder or delay to the SLP through the principal. The SLP may work with the child one-on-one, or in a small group to overcome difficulties involved with a specific disorder. The SLP integrates the student's speech-language goals with the academic outcomes and functional performance. Please contact Mrs. Marten at tmarten@jordanschool.com for more information.

We have a Resource Counselor working part-time at Jordan with our staff, students, and families.  The schedule rotates with every T/TH 8-10:30 and every other W from 8:00-2:30. Please contact Mr. Walsh at mwalsh@jordanschool.com for more information.

Title I - Title IV
This is a federal program that provides financial assistance to the Rock Island School District who in turn provides funding to Jordan Catholic School to support academic achievement. This allows Jordan to provide additional academic support and learning opportunities to help low-achieving children to master challenging curricula and meet state standards in common core academic subjects. The main focus of Title I is to support extra instruction in reading and mathematics, additional materials of instruction, and technological needs for learning that reinforce the regular curriculum. 

Please contact Mrs. Mosley at amosley@jordanschool.com for more information.

Several Jordan Catholic School teachers are willing to tutor students on a paid basis. Such tutoring is done before or after school, and/or during the summer. Parents interested in securing a tutor may contact Mrs. Kelly McLaughlin at kmclaughlin@jordanschool.com.