Portrait of a Graduate

The Jordan Catholic Graduate is a life-long learner. He/she is a thoughtful youth who tries to live as Christ intended and knows how to put faith into action. Our graduate values education and is well-prepared for the many challenges of life.

The Jordan Catholic graduate exhibits the virtue of faith in everyday life. Our graduate:

  • Understands that Catholic beliefs and practices are rooted in the Sacred Scripture and Tradition.

  • Develops a lifelong relationship with God through prayer, worship and service.

  • Values and participates in the sacramental life of the Church.

  • Recognizes that each individual is unique and should be treated with respect.

  • Understands and experiences the sacraments as signs and sources of grace.

  • Understands that the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is the foundation of our Faith.

  • Exhibits a Catholic Christian attitude through compassion and respect toward self, others, and God's creation.

The Jordan Catholic graduate take pride in the acquired academic skills needed for success in all institutions of higher learning. Our graduate:

  • Applies critical and creative thinking skills.

  • Uses effective study habits.

  • Balances academics and extra-curricular activities.

  • Utilizes innovative technology and resources.

  • Communicates effectively in written, oral, and artistic forms with younger students, peers, and adults.

  • Recognizes and respects their own gifts and talents and those of all people and all cultures.

  • Understands learning is a lifelong process.


The Jordan Catholic graduate is a responsible steward of time, talent, and effort exemplifying the love of Christ for others. Our graduate:

  • Recognizes the importance of sharing one's gifts with others as an expression of God's love.

  • Puts faith into action through living the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

  • Reaches out to the local and global community.

  • Follows rules established by the community, takes responsibility for own actions, and accepts the outcome of those actions.

  • Understands the principles of Catholic moral and social teachings including respecting the rights of others, upholding human dignity, and accepting ownership of one's actions.

  • Shows compassion toward victims of social injustice and seeks positive solutions.

  • Respects all of God's creation and considers the impact of one's action on the environment and makes healthy, sustainable choices.